e-commerce: las fechas que tienes que marcar en tu calendario

We prepare a list of key dates for e-commerce and in each one we include a paragraph with examples of commercial actions or information to highlight.


Within the strategy of a brand with e-commerce it is essential to keep in mind important and remarkable dates of the calendar because it is a great opportunity to increase sales. Thus, these special dates can be used to offer discounts and promotions to customers, but they must have a well-defined and planned strategy so that the results are as expected.


Below, we list some of these dates that are key for the company to prosper:


  1. Black Friday

Black Friday is the day that inaugurates the holiday shopping season. Today, it is the day of sales par excellence. A good way to take advantage of the pull that this day has is to make pre – Black Friday, make discounts, put free shipping or give gifts for purchases made on Black Friday. For example, in decoration with each shipment give a pendant for the handle of a cabinet. 


  1. Christmas campaigns

The Christmas campaign is one of the strongest of the year. All companies and brands take advantage of these days to create commercial campaigns with a Christmas spirit. It is a sure hit because at this time of the year sales soar and therefore it is important that the company is present in the consumer’s mind and that the brand strategy is well defined.


One way to encourage sales is to give customers ideas about gifts, offer gift cards (which is always a good option for the most indecisive), flood your brand and your website with Christmas decorations and that the online store is in good condition because sales can increase and it is important to provide a good service to the consumer.


  1. January sales

After the Christmas holidays come the January sales and it is also very important to be at the foot of the cannon. Some tips to make the most of these dates are to announce in advance the period of time that the sales will last, update social networks, inform about shipments and payments during this period of time to avoid confusion and strengthen customer service. 


  1. Summer sales

Just like the January sales, the summer sales last for a long period of time and the same tips mentioned above can be applied to these dates. As these sales last a long time, the issue of defining dates is essential, as well as continuously and clearly announcing which sales are being offered to the consumer. For example, when we talk about sales in decoration, for the customer it is a good investment, but people do not frequent a decoration store with the same assiduity that for example a clothing store, so it is very important to know how to communicate and make the consumer get all the information with time margin.


  1. Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a perfect occasion for brands to bring out their most special products, which in other circumstances would be more difficult to sell. On the one hand, it is very favorable for this day to carry out a complementary activity, that is to say, with the shipment, to provide flowers, a card… that accompanies and complements the objective of the purchase.


On the other hand, it is very important in this case the customer service and offer the possibility of express shipments, since this date is only one day and the customer will want to play it safe.


  1. Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is also a powerful day commercially speaking. It is important that the offers and promotions offered are in line with the celebration. By this we mean that, for example, a sure hit are the 2×1, because Valentine’s Day is always celebrated with someone.


As on this day, love is celebrated, some campaigns that work very well are those related to donations because there is no better day for the customer to be more open to giving.


And as in all previous dates, prior communication through tiramails, press releases or through social networks is essential to ensure sales success.


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